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Now that I live with my boyfriend, I feel more like his mom than his girlfriend.

When I moved in with my boyfriend, I imagined us sinking happily into domestic bliss. We cooked together, divided chores evenly, and created a space that we both loved coming home to at the end of the night. Unfortunately, the opposite has happened and it seems that I have gone from being his girlfriend to being his mother. WTF?

1. You think that paying half the rent is a sufficient contribution. Both of our names are on the lease and we split our monthly rental costs 5,050. That's a start when you share a home with a partner, but it's certainly not the end of the discussion. For my boyfriend however that's it. He thinks that because he pays for half of our house that is enough and he is free from the actual upkeep of the place.

2. If I don't cook, we don't eat or buy takeout. We both work full time and sometimes come home feeling exhausted and just wanting to relax on the couch. That happens to everyone, so there is no shade there. However, while I try to eat well and manage to get into the kitchen to cook at least 3 or 4 nights a week, my boyfriend doesn't make the same effort. If I don't make a move to make us dinner, or we don't eat, he has a cupboard full of chips and junk food that he'll eat instead, or if I actually mention that I'm hungry, he suggests we order a pizza. That's fine sometimes, but he's never offered to get off his butt and cook us a meal.

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4. He never washes the dishes. When I'm the one cooking for us, it seems like a fair compromise would be for him to do the dishes, right? Apparently not him. I literally went to take a shower and chill in the bedroom sometimes at night and woke up the next morning to a sink full of dirty dishes, not to mention more of hers accumulated from all her late night snacks.

5. He has the nerve to ask me why he hasn't washed his clothes. I don't mind throwing both of our dirty clothes in the washer when I'm doing laundry, especially if he actually puts his things in the hamper, but when he leaves them lying around everywhere and I just go ahead and do my own laundry, he gets mad because I haven't gone to pick up his things and made sure he was clean too. You know this because he is a child unable to take his dirty clothes to the washing machine.

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