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Calm mind and body well-being

Having a job is a great way to combat financial stress and keep your life afloat. But going to the office every day for 8 hours straight can add unexpected stress to your life. A benefit and curse of having an office job can also be the impactful people you work with that we meet. This diverse group of personality types combined with office politics can be a recipe for tension. Whether you're experiencing physical, mental, or emotional stress at the office, here are some things you can do to keep these emotions at bay and stay cool at the office. One way to combat all of these stressors is meditation. Meditation can regulate your breathing, lower your heart rate, and calm your mind. It is the basis of personal well-being which, in turn, is the basis of corporate well-being.

Japa meditation
Japa meditation is a way to take a short break to meditate and transform your mood and day as you release stressors. Japa is the Sanskrit word for muttering. Japa meditation is a chanting or mantra meditation. Don't worry if you are in the office, the mantra can be silent. To calm the mind and body through Japa meditation you will need a mantra. Your mantra can be the famous Om or the one that best represents what you are trying to achieve. Then you will need some japa mala beads, which are strings of 108 beads used to count your mantra.
As you sing silently, hold the beads in your right hand and use your thumb to count and pull the string forward with each count. When you get to the end of the beads you will have finished 108 mantras.
breathing meditation

Another form of meditation is breath meditation or pranayama. Prana is the universal life force in ancient yoga. We get prana from many things in life, from healthy foods like vegetables to feeling happy. The main source of Prana is our breath. Pranayama is the practice of controlling the breath. There are many different pranayama postures and breathing techniques.
The easiest way to start pranayama is to focus on natural breathing. Inhale while being aware of your thoughts. Exhale and observe your thought. Give yourself permission to release your attachment to these thoughts as you receive in a calm state. change your mindset.

These meditation techniques can reverse the physical, mental, and emotional stress of the workday. If you don't have time to meditate, simply taking a few deep breaths can make a difference in how you feel. You can also use techniques to change your mindset by reframing the situation as if you were watching it in a movie or asking yourself what is the worst that can happen. Usually, the worst that can happen is not that bad and it's not really going to happen.
stretch and breathe

Stress can also affect you physically. Your heart rate speeds up, your neck or other muscles tighten, and your breathing becomes shallower. Take a moment to stretch or move and let the tightness melt away from your body. You can also take slow, deep breaths to regulate your breathing and heart rate.

Find a way to embrace nature
If you have time for a break, changing your surroundings on the way out or even taking a quick walk around the parking lot can make you feel better. If you have your own office space, you can make your surroundings more relaxing by adding a plant or succulent or even a nature poster. The most important thing is to have some quick methods to conquer stress so it doesn't conquer you.

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